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How an ordinary Filipino can start investing even without sufficient knowledge or education about economics or business? By conscientiously following the five basic steps enumerated below, an average person can start his journey to financial freedom easily.
The Rat Race
Why many people with regular job doesn’t seem to get ahead in life? Its like every bit of money they have are just about right to survive. It is the rat race or going around in circles. How would an average Filipino prepare himself in becoming an investor to become worry free from financial struggles?
1. Live Below Your Means - It means, not spending money on things you don’t need.
If you can stay at home instead of partying on a Friday night with colleagues you’ll be way ahead of the game. Because the money you save can be used for investing. If you can postpone your kids who planned to get married, it’s the better. There’s no faster way to destroy ones financial future than to marry and have kids at a very young age. If you are financially free already, having kids and marrying the one you love can bring more joy than having to fight over money every month with your spouse.
2. Pay Yourself First - Your pay check every month is not your money. The electricity bill has part of it, food has part of it, your transportation has part of it and the government has part of it in a form of tax. Unless you save or pay yourself, you don’t have anything.
3. Pay off Your Debts - What’s the use of being free if you owe somebody? If you have credit cards, personal loans or salary loans, pay them first. You don’t want interest rates to be piling up every month. If you can, you may delay paying the others who doesn’t have interest in it. The idea is to be debt free as soon as possible.
4. Invest - The money you saved on #1 and #2 will be used for fighting inflation. As you know, money loses its value over time, what you want to do is to protect your money so it will beat inflation and brings about a decent amount of appreciation. Start investing in instruments and securities in the stock market and in mutual funds.
5. Read Books About Investing - If you have some money to spare, it is good to invest in knowledge first. Read about investing, money management and personal finance. Nothing can get you faster than knowing how to get there. If you can’t buy good books, then the best way to research is the internet. It costs less than a cup of coffee to have an hour of internet access.
Buy more shares on different stocks until you can see that the return of your money with your investments every month far exceeds your monthly income. By this time, you are financially free. Your dedication, patience and discipline have rewarded you with financial freedom. Now you have your money working for you and you are free to do anything. But don’t be overconfident. It takes a lot of patience to get to this stage and if you really want to be free you should know that only you can change your future. Not the government or God. I wouldn’t think God would waste a miracle on me or us ordinary people. So its up to us to make things happen, don’t you think?
Hi! Supernova. I have a blog about trading and I have some views that could be an interesting topic for us to exchange views on.
TumugonBurahinFilipino rin ako based in Sydney and my friends in Manila ask me about investing there.
Hello Trader Mom. I read some of your posts, I learn a lot & found out that your trading for years, keep sharing your stock picks. Your not bold enough to share the companies you join. Anyway, thats your secret
TumugonBurahinpapanu mag start for aperson like me na walang ka alam alam sa stock market?
TumugonBurahinHEllo mr anonymous. pwede kang magsimula ng stock market investing by joining seminars conducted by Philippine Stocks Exchange just visit their website for more info at you could also find an investment mentor who can teach you on your way to start investing.
TumugonBurahinAsk ko lang kung pwede akong mag start ng investment kahit nandito ako sa abroad.seaman p ako.Plano ko sana sa Mutual fund ng FAMI at mag open ng account sa citisec online.
Yes, you can start investing even you're away from the philippines but be sure to visit the citisec online office because you are required to visit their office upon submission of your required documents. regarding FAMI you cannot invest at FAMI via online stock trading. You must go directly to Metrobank because they are the one who is responsible in the management of their Mutual Funds products. FAMI investment managers will be the one who are responsible to buy stocks for your through you invested funds in them.
TumugonBurahinbeginners can also download this book about investing in the philippine stock market -
TumugonBurahingreat read for those who are clueless about investing :)