Lunes, Hulyo 29, 2013

PSE Index Update

   The Philippine Local bourse did well last week as it was bullish for four straight days and followed by a minimal drawdown started last Friday and a continuation was observed yesterday.  Monday’s slump was much higher than in Friday because of foreign market slowdown also. The nice thing happened yesterday was the upsurge of the mining sector.

         If you are investing in PSE index you would definitely get acquainted with the specific stock that makes the day for all trades and holders of this said mining stock on the other day trading session.  This mining magnate officially revealed at noon yesterday that the natives living in the vicinity of their mining fields agreed that the government will have to issue an FTAA o the Financial and Technical Assistance Agreement.  Thinking that this might lead to the approval of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau of that said FTAA.

This stock was included in my watchlist.  This becomes a very hot company in the year 2011 as it provided ample returns of more than five times the capital invested in just few months.

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